We are born from it. We hide it in our homes behind closed doors and in closets. Wekeep it secure in our garages and attics and in dresser drawers. At …
What to Save?
As you may know, Bruce and I have been working on a family project, off and on, for a couple of years. But the last month or so, we’ve really …
God’s Good Idea
Based on an Idea of Mineby Alan Smith Townsend, the developer of the laser, was once asked if he didn’t have a tremendous sense of achievement in all he had …
I’ll Take My Two Talents!
by Lisa Mikitarian How much time do we waste wondering about the breadth and depth of our individual gifts — asking God over and over, from every angle, about the …
What You Love
Table Talk I want to tell you a story that will lead us to the object of the Table Talk – the crucifixion of Jesus. My father called my mother …
When You Need Wisdom
With all the crazy stuff going on, how am I supposed to know what to do?by Tom Norvell If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give …
The Humility of a Little Donkey
How much glory should we expect?by Joe Bagby This Sunday is called Palm Sunday. For those of us who don’t enjoy the formalism and liturgy of some churches, Palm Sunday …
Words of Wisdom
Where do you get your wisdom? by Allan Smith A first grade teacher collected some old, well-known proverbs. She gave each child in her class the first half of a …
What if God didn’t go?
22 October 2023 The sermon for Sunday comes from Exodus 33 and it concerns that crisis that erupted when the ancient Jews crafted a golden calf to alleviate their fear …
Sour Grapes
Currents Sermon Thought How would you have felt if you were a political captive living in Babylon? Against your will! The ancient Jews were embittered by the experience, and even …