Sunday night, April 7, was the date of our 2nd Quarter Round Table. Round Tables got their start in LifeSpring’s early days as a way to sit and talk about the present and the future. The big goal is to talk about better ways of doing things while at the same time giving a status report.
For the most part, we have been successful at this. RT’s are not without some hurdles, however.
- Finding a time when the most people can attend. This is fraught with schedule conflicts and such.
- Keeping group focus on the goal of these meetings. RT’s are not primarily social events, although LifeSpringers love being together and do great work when they put their head together.
Documents we used at Sunday’s Round Table may be found in the links below. If you open them you will find full information about what this most recent RT transacted. We hope you will join us at the next RT.