8 October 2023 This Sunday’s sermon takes its text from Philippians 3:4-14. Paul wrote this letter from prison to encourage and exhort one of the churches he started, but had …
God Changed His Mind
The sermon for September 24 takes its text from the little book of Jonah. Though it is included in the final thirteen books of prophecy in the Old Testament, Jonah …
The Invitation I know a church leader who says, “No one is interested in our message.” I don’t know why he’s concluded this, and I sometimes wonder if it is …
Joseph – Saving his family
How are you at finishing? Got a bunch of hanging and uncompleted projects? Get a bunch of things started and then forget them or go on to other more interesting …
Coffee Discipline
This week’s article prepares for the upcoming sermon about the responsibility we each have for ourselves. We can’t blame other people for our failures. In this article Rubel Shelly talks …
Before You “Unfriend”
The Hard Process of HealingWhy do I have to do something this hard?by Max Lucado Paul told the disciples in Colossae that the process of healing involves this big step: …
I don’t want to go!
Praying for People We Don’t LikeDo you REALLY want God to bless everyone?by Tim Archer Jonah didn’t like Assyria. Assyria was a cruel bully that dominated the surrounding nations. One …
Come no closer!
Living for Just One!Will you live all of life as worship, or just a few hours per week?by Phil Ware What should I wear to worship God? How’s that for …
Standing Firm in One Spirit
Unity?!Where do we begin the work of genuine unity?by Phil Ware [Jesus prayed] “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in …
I am just a dry tree!
Unstoppable! ‘The Unstoppable Spirit’by Phil Ware When [Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch] came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away. The eunuch never saw …