LifeSpring Small Group

In News, Slider by Bruce LogueLeave a Comment

LifeSpring had a small group before she began meeting as a church. Over the 16 years of LifeSpring’s existence, our small group experience has been of greatest value to the group members. Why so?

Small Group enables a quality of fellowship that is generally not possible in larger gatherings. A few people gathering in a living room are free to talk, share, ask questions, and speak in confidence – things that are not possible in a Sunday morning assembly.

LifeSpring’s small group has been highly interactive. Meetings begin with a “check-in” during which participants share something that has happened in the last week or that is on your mind or troubling you. You get the idea.

The subject matter has included pure chapter-by-chapter study of books of the Bible, studies that centered around a topic or theme, and studies using books on a single topic such as sin or sabbath keeping or Psalms. Some of our small group members even like to share in the leading of the group discussions.

We love it when new people join us, and they are warmly welcomed. If you would like more information about small group, you can send a text to 209-327-0308. We hope to see you sometime.

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