On Tuesday, July 26, our LifeSpring small group discussed prayer. Bruce handed out a prayer bookmark that we used once at LifeSpring, and the group also talked about fixed hour …
The Choices We Make
In my life, I have had two moments that have stuck with me in terms of how I make choices. One was counseling a woman who lived, with her young …
Bike Path Theology
Recently I bumped into a friend on the Bike Path. He stopped his bike to talk to me. “I really need to talk to you; things are coming off the …
Desiring God
John Piper wrote a book by this title, but that is not the object of this rumination. I have been thinking about what happens when someone honestly desires God., Psalm …
di·ver·si·ty də-ˈvər-sə-tē1: the condition of having or being composed of differing elements : VARIETYespecially : the inclusion of people of different races, or cultures in a group or organization; programs …
What’s the difference?
I’ve heard it lots and lots of times. I CAN’T do that. Most of the time the item being referenced could be characterized by one of the following four general …
The Most Difficult Task
I don’t know of any task more difficult than communicating clearly to another human being. It crowns the list of all other important tasks and is usually lurking in the …
Run the race.
Hebrews was written to a community of Jesus’ disciples, some of whom were bailing out – abandoning their calling. So the writer of the epistle of Hebrews set out to …
Lowering the Bar on the Gospel
I have been thinking about the idea of “lowering the bar,” especially in regard to being a disciple of Jesus. This little rumination began with the recent experience of meeting …