Covid-19 has changed a lot of things, including the ability to be physically together, talk in person, plan new ideas, and enjoy one another’s company. Normally we might ask for whole-church contributions to the annual Advent Calendar, this year is different.

Our 2020 Advent Calendar will be totally online. This page will serve as your gateway to the daily thoughts. I hope you will make it a daily activity to come to this page and read the Advent thought of the day.

It’s designed to be fun as well as thought-provoking. Here you will find a meditation, a family activity, and a recipe. Maybe even a little poetry from time to time.

Join LifeSpringers in joyful anticipation of the celebration of Jesus’ coming to live among us. Cheers!

First Week of Advent, November 29-December 5.

Second Week of Advent, December 6-12.

Third Week of Advent, December 13-19.

Fourth Week of Advent, December 20-24.