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You brood of vipers!

In Liturgy by Bruce LogueLeave a Comment

John the Baptist was acquainted with the wilderness as well as Jesus. Matthew says early in his Gospel, “John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, ‘Repent, for …

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The Blitzkrieg

In Liturgy by Bruce LogueLeave a Comment

It’s not difficult to see a connection between the wilderness of fasting and temptation at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and the seaside appearances at the end of his ministry. …

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Going Toward God

In Liturgy by Bruce LogueLeave a Comment

I think we are surprised when we meet opposition to the Gospel. To us it seems so wonderful, so profoundly loving, and welcome to hear. Why the opposition? Paul was …

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Milky Way

In Liturgy by Bruce LogueLeave a Comment

Do you ever wonder what it was like in the wilderness. Maybe around day 25. I imagine the stars were brighter. Sounds in the night were louder. Mark says that …